The Mysteries Of Missing Socks And Toxic Dog Breath Solved? Intestinal Issues And Your Dog

A pet dog or cat isn't for everyone, which is why you might be considering an exotic pet. Learn more about marine life pets.

The Mysteries Of Missing Socks And Toxic Dog Breath Solved? Intestinal Issues And Your Dog

23 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

There are various issues with your dog's intestinal tract that can cause pain or serious health concerns such as malnutrition. Many are related to a dog's non-discriminating tastes in consuming inedible items or contracting intestinal worms from contact with contaminated fecal matter from infected dogs.

Possible results of inedible objects being eaten by dogs.

Dogs can suffer from an intestinal blockage from eating objects that become wedged in their small intestines. This can be a life threatening event that may require a trip to a veterinarian to assess the situation and possibly surgery to remove the foreign object. 

Dogs may chew on a dangerous object and accidentally swallow it, eat an inappropriate item when it is offered by a child or thoughtless adult, or simply gulp something down for reasons known only to themselves. Swallowed items may include:

  • String, toys, or small balls
  • Batteries
  • Socks and underwear
  • Tampons
  • Cat litter (some dogs enjoy eating cat feces and will also swallow litter)

Items such as cat litter and tampons, which absorb moisture, are particularly an issue because they swell inside the intestine.

Whatever the reason or item, if the small intestine becomes obstructed, a dog may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Refraining from eating and drinking
  • Lethargy
  • Painful and/or bloated abdomen
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Drool and vomit

Of course, these symptoms may be related to other issues, but a trip to a veterinary clinic will be needed to diagnose the problem and attempt to remedy the situation without surgery if possible.

Fluids and walks may be used to allow the offending object to pass through the intestine naturally. If the dog is severely dehydrated or ill, immediate surgery may be required.

Intestinal worms

Intestinal worms can be contracted by puppies in their mother's womb from eggs that have laid dormant for years, or they can be passed through eating feces or soil that has been contaminated by fecal matter from infected dogs. 

Symptoms of worm infestation may include:

Weight loss 

Diarrhea (may be accompanied by blood)

Haggard appearance with dry hair


Some worms, such as round worms and tapeworms, may be visible in the stool or vomit, while others may not be visible. A visit to the veterinarian to have a stool sample analyzed is the best way to diagnose and treat an infestation. 

Over-the-counter wormers are not effective for infestations that are severe enough to exhibit symptoms such as the ones described above. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, and may involve a single round of medication or a regular schedule of treatment throughout the year.

Contact a center like All-Pets Hospital to learn more.

About Me
Pet Options: Choosing an Exotic Pet

When I was a kid, everyone wanted a dog or a cat for a pet. Me? I wanted something a little out of the box. That's how I came to have a pet octopus. The process was more complicated than getting gold fish. There was the need to invest in a salt water tank and to get some toys for the new pet. I also had to learn how to feed and take care of the pet. Once everything was in place, it did not take long until life with an octopus around the house became part of the routine. If your kids like the idea of some type of marine life as a pet, let me tell you about my experiences. Once you learn more about the care of this type of pet, you'll be ready to give it a try.
