A pet dog or cat isn't for everyone, which is why you might be considering an exotic pet. Learn more about marine life pets.

The Mysteries Of Missing Socks And Toxic Dog Breath Solved? Intestinal Issues And Your Dog

23 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

There are various issues with your dog's intestinal tract that can cause pain or serious health concerns such as malnutrition. Many are related to a dog's non-discriminating tastes in consuming inedible items or contracting intestinal worms from contact with contaminated fecal matter from infected dogs. Possible results of inedible objects being eaten by dogs. Dogs can suffer from an intestinal blockage from eating objects that become wedged in their small intestines. Read More …

Making Your Arthritic Cat More Comfortable

16 December 2015
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Older cats can develop arthritis in their joints, just like their human owners. It can become difficult for your cat to jump up or down from high places. They may have problems using the litter box. Your aging cat can still live a comfortable life in spite of the degeneration in their joints. Here is how to help them to be comfortable in their senior years. Make Some Changes in Their Diet Read More …

Veterinary Surgery For Pets, Farm And Ranch Animals

30 November 2015
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Veterinary hospitals routinely perform emergency and non-emergency surgical procedures for dogs, cats, horses, goats, cattle, and other pets, farm and ranch animals. Veterinarians employ three medical specialties to perform surgery on animals: neurosurgery, orthopedics, and soft tissue surgery. Here are some of the common veterinary surgeries that are performed in animal hospitals: Spaying - This procedure removes the ovaries and uterus of a female dog or cat to prevent them from getting pregnant and reproducing. Read More …

3 Tips For Helping Your Dog De-Stress After They Are Adopted

26 November 2015
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Dogs often get stressed out during or after huge life changes the same way humans do. Therefore, an adoption is an event that will most likely increase their stress levels. When your new dog is initially relocated to their new home, their body will go into overdrive in order to make sense of the new environment. A few visible symptoms that your dog may exhibit, include diarrhea, barking, and panting. While the easiest thing would be to permanently remove the dog from the stressful environment, this is difficult to do if that environment is your home. Read More …

What Training Should Be Taught To A Three Month Old Puppy?

25 November 2015
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Having a new puppy in the home is a very happy and exciting time. However, as the puppy grows, training should begin to ensure you have a well behaved dog when he becomes an adult. Different breeds of dogs often learn at different stages in their lives. But, with consistency, many puppies learn at a very young age. These are some of the types of training that should begin when a puppy has reached three months of age. Read More …

About Me
Pet Options: Choosing an Exotic Pet

When I was a kid, everyone wanted a dog or a cat for a pet. Me? I wanted something a little out of the box. That's how I came to have a pet octopus. The process was more complicated than getting gold fish. There was the need to invest in a salt water tank and to get some toys for the new pet. I also had to learn how to feed and take care of the pet. Once everything was in place, it did not take long until life with an octopus around the house became part of the routine. If your kids like the idea of some type of marine life as a pet, let me tell you about my experiences. Once you learn more about the care of this type of pet, you'll be ready to give it a try.
